Search Box

HTML Table Search Filter using Pure JavaScript Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Search Filter Bar for HTML Table using JavaScript. This tutorial aims to provide IT/CS students and new programmers with a reference to learn about using JavaScript to develop creative web applications. Here, snippets are provided and a simple working application that demonstrates the main objectives of this tutorial is provided and is free to download.

Search Box with Auto Suggest Links Items Tutorial using PHP and jQuery

This is a simple tutorial that tackles about creating a Search Box with AutoSuggest Links Items. This tutorial uses HTM, PHP, MySQL Database, JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax. The tutorial code will help you to understand and to have an idea or knowledge of how to create the said web application feature for your future project. This kind of feature is commonly used when adding a search feature that matches the keywords on multiple database tables and columns.

Creating HTML List Pagination, Display Length, and Search in PHP Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple HTML List Pagination with Display Entries Length and Search. This tutorial is really useful for optiomizing your website for display bulk data. With the said Web App Feature, this will help to limit the data to display from database, prevent long page scroll, and fast loading.