Neko Simple CMS using CodeIgniter

Submitted by novhz94 on
Project Description: Recently I created a simple CMS using CodeIgniter (PHP) and MySQL as database driver.This is my first CodeIgniter project since i started using this framework. In this CMS you can add pages dynamically and add articles on it. NekoCMS also features change of theme using provided CSS files. You can share your posts in Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus

Object Oriented Programming (Code)

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Hello and welcome to a tutorial on Object Oriented Programming, with code examples as opposed to theory. Ready the theory page Before starting this page make sure you have read and understand the theory page which can be found here. Instances The use of OOP is to have multiple instances of one class running at the same time, each with it's own variables and methods.

Object Oriented Programming (Theory)

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome! This page will be explaining Object Oriented Programming with examples. The examples are theory only but a code example will be released soon (if not already). What is Object Oriented Programming? Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is commonly used in programs which require doing the same things over and over again. Much like a function or method can be ran multiple times, OOP classes can be ran multiple times, simultaneously. When is OOP used? OOP is used in games and some other software.

Social Networking Site: Improving of Login System using Advance PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, we will focus on how to improve our PHP code in more dynamic ways using Object Oriented Programming. To start with this application, open first our web directories then look for the index.php file and make a copy of it, and name the old “index.php” into” index_basic.php”. Then inside the includes folder, look for the “member.php” and open it because we’re going to add another static function that will be used during the user authentication.

Uploading of Photos using Advance PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to upload photo using PHP/MySQL, and this tutorial is a continuation of our previous topic called Social Networking Site: Simple Uploading of Profile picture in the home page. But in this time we’re not going to use the “home.php” file instead, we’re going to create a new page named “upload_photos.php”.