Online Rental System in PHP

Online Motorcycle (Bike) Rental System in PHP/OOP with Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is an Online Motorcycle (Bike) Rental System in PHP and MySQL Database. This project is a simple booking system for Motorcycle (Bike) rentals. This provides an online platform for rental companies or businesses clients or possible clients to browse, explore, and book to rent their bikes. This has a pleasant user interface with the help of Bootstrap and AdminLTE. It has also user

Online Bike Rental System in PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by Warren Daloyan on
Simple Online Bike Rental System Develop in PHP MySQL, in this simple project the main purpose is to make a faster and reliable web application. The user needs to register before login through the site for booking, the searching can be easy to ensure what you need to rent, the information is provided of each and every bike for your user booking, the admin can add, update, and delete changes