Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator for 8999 Years in PHP Source Code

Submitted by Jay-Tanner on
LUNAR PERIGEES AND APOGEES CALCULATOR FOR THE 8999-YEAR RANGE FROM 1000 AD to 9998 AD Built around the NASA.JPL Horizons API By Jay Tanner - 2021 PHP v7.4.9 Since the release of the NASA/JPL Horizons online API in July of 2021, I've been trying to test it out for making special general-purpose ephemerides. The web interface does a good job, but the tables it produces can be a bit bulky, so

International Space Apps Challenge 2013 Announced by NASA

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is asking once again for people to join its "mass collaboration" effort to produce open-source solutions that address global needs applicable to both life on Earth and life in Space. The International Space Challenge 2012 registration is now open while the day of the "codeathon" will be held this coming April 19-21, 2013. During last year's event