Interactive Tracker Boxes

Interactive Tracker Boxes #4 - jQuery

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This is the final part of my mini-series explaining how to create interactive tracker boxes in HTML, CSS, and jQuery to allow HTML content to change once the user interacts with the boxes. This part is will explain the final step, jQuery.

jQuery Installation:

To begin using jQuery within our file, we first need to link it.

Interactive Tracker Boxes #3 - Content - jQuery Preparation

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is the third part of my interactive tracker boxes tutorial series which allows content to change dependant upon which tracking box the user clicks on. This part is covering the content of the tracker boxes.


The heading for the box which is hovered over will go under the 'informationTitle' CSS ID, and the information will go under the 'informationParagraph' CSS ID.

Interactive Tracker Boxes #2 - CSS

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This is the second part of my interactive tracker boxes in HTML, CSS, and jQuery. This part will be covering styling the classes of our elements using CSS3.


The box class will be the holder of the points/trackers where the user is able to hover their mouse over in order to get responsive information about appropriate content. For this, I am going to do a simple small box with white background, and black border...

Interactive Tracker Boxes #1 - HTML

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to create an interactive CSS & JavaScript (jQuery) page where the user is able to hover over certain elements of the page in order to uncover more information (such as the search page, where you can hover over the boxes on the image to see interesting facts).


This is the first part of this tutorial series, in which we will be creating the HTML and starting CSS for the page. We want to have a title and paragraph for each piece of information on the website, so lets create the basic HTML template first...