
Personal Data being exposed through Google Chrome’s Cache

Submitted by Saad Arif on
There is no doubt that Google Chrome is one of the finest web browsers available today. I personally believe that most of the internet users prefer using Google Chrome instead of other alternatives. However, if you were under the impression that your personal information is safe with Google Chrome then this news will come as a surprise for you. It has been noted that the cache files of Google

Chrome DevTools Training Course at Code School For Free

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's largest search engine company, Google has already teamed up with the fastest-growing online programming site, Code School to produce a training course that covers the developer tools available in Chrome for developing and debugging web apps. The developer tools from Chrome are based on the WebKit inspector which gives developers deeper access into the internals of the browser and their

Microsoft Fined $731 Million for a Single Line of Code Error

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading software company, Microsoft was fined by the European Commission after making an error for a single line of code. The error caused the company a whopping $731 Million fined. The European Union's anti-trust authority, European Commission, stated that the fined was due to the violation of a 2009 agreement between Microsoft and the European Commission. Last 2009, Microsoft agreed