
Bingo Number Generator App in jQuery with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Bingo Number Generator App is a web application built using JavaScript. This project provides a simple tool for generating random numbers for use in the Bingo card game. Displayed in a web browser, it includes a feature to generate a random Bingo number with each interaction. The Bingo Number Generator App in jQuery is designed to support Bingo gameplay. This project demonstrates basic coding

Simple Bingo Program

Submitted by muthym on
This is a bingo program written in Rapid-Q programming language(VB6-like program) that draws numbers randomly. Along with the code(ebingo.bas), I included the RQ compiler & IDE (Observe the size and you will be amazed :) This is my free and portable/lightweight alternative to VB6). * Unzip the file. * Open ebingo.bas using RQDevStudio. * Compile and Run. Output may vary based on your screen