
Android Image Swapping in 3D Animation Tutorial

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, it is not simply swapping images by coding the image visibility to true or false but in this kind of tutorial I will introduce a unique swapping of images with 3D flipping in which it will swap in 3D Animation. First you need to have your abstract design like this and have two ImageView and named it as i1 and i2 and then one label and put the text on it as "Click the image above".

Android Pie Chart Demo

Submitted by hob2006 on
This is a customize demo apps for Quarterly Sales pie chart using (Android Charts Framework).The purpose of this framework is to allow you to easily add different types of charts to your projects using B4A IDE. The current version supports pie charts, line charts and bar charts. The framework is implemented as code modules. Please send your inquiries at [email protected]/09328493090 or Join to my facebook page here at Thanks!

Basketball Score Board for Android Phones

Submitted by hob2006 on
This simple apps is a personal basketball scoreboard in your android phones. This apps includes a countdown timer per quarter, score monitor, foul monitor, and quarter/period monitor. The phone will vibrate and activate the buzzer at the end of each quarter. The complete source code is available at Please install the apk installer to see the apps in action.

Basic4android: Simple and Easy Way to Create Great Android Apps

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Basic4android is one of the fastest growing Android Rapid Application Development (RAD) Tool available in the market today. It is a commercial product inspired by Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Visual Studio. The programming language that is easy to use especially for those who were Android enthusiasts is the Basic4android. B4A helps you make your own applications for Android devices, the