Python: A Very Simple Guessing Game Dedicated For Beginners
Submitted by razormist on Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 23:30.
In this tutorial we will create a very simple Guessing Game Using Python Programming. Python lets you work more quickly than other programming languages.It is very easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and reduces time consuming in developing. In Python you don't have to worry about a miss semi colon, because it is not necessarily needed in python. So let now start the coding...
Getting started:
First you will have to download & install the Python IDLE's, here the link for the Integrated Development And Learning Environment for python
After you installed the Pythons IDLE's, run the IDLE and then click file and then new file. After that a new window will appear containing a black file this will be the text editor for the python
To Start with The Game
This script will gain access to the code in another module called 'random'. We will use this module to make the word random
Making the random choice of words
The Logic of the game
There you have it we created a very simple game for Python Programming. I hope that you learn something from this tutorial. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!!
- import random
- print('**************Guess The Programming Language Game**************\n') #title of the game
- Plangs = ("python", "php", "javascript", "c", "perl", "c++", "java", "ruby", "c#", "visual basic", "fortran") #this will be the array word for the guess game
- answer = random.choice(Plangs) #this will randomly pick the word from an array
- correct = answer #If the has been picked the word will into a new variable
- rumble = "" #creating a new variable
- while answer: #check if answer is true
- position = random.randrange(len(answer)) #get the range of the word
- rumble += answer[position] #then rumble the word of choice
- answer = answer[:position] + answer[(position + 1):] #rearrange the rumble words
- print("The Word Is:", rumble) # display the jumble word
- guess = input("Guess This Programming Language:") #create a input for answering the guess word
- guess = guess.lower() #lowercase the jumble word
- while (guess != correct) or (guess == ""): # check if the given answer is incorrect
- print("That is not the correct answer")
- print("\nThe Word Is:", rumble)
- guess = input("Guess This Programming Language:")
- guess = guess.lower()
- if guess == correct: #check if the answer is correct
- print("\nCongratulation You Win!")
- input("\n\n Press enter to exit")
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