iDorm - Online Dormitory Management (Mobile Web version)

Hello everyone, this is my first time here.. I would like to share here my project so called iDorm. iDorm is an online mobile website version of my Dormitory Management System. Features: 1.) Rooms 2.) Dormitory Applicants 3.) Dormitory Occupants 4.) Student Schedules (Occupants Schedule). 5.) Student Logged (Occupants Logged). 6.) and Many more.. This system is created using PHP + JQueryMobile + Firebird Hope you like my project...

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please send me on what i was wrote above

hi! you done a great job and a very important application to the world!! thanks!!! if you interestful to send/attach the IDORMITORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM proposal i would be happy. ATTACH IT TO [email protected]

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