Email Sender with File Attachment Using PHP and PHPMailer with Source Code


Welcome to our Email Sender with File Attachment project, a dynamic web application designed to simplify and enhance your email communication experience. Leveraging the power of PHP and PHPMailer, this platform provides a seamless and efficient solution for sending emails with file attachments. Whether you're a professional looking to streamline your correspondence or an individual seeking a user-friendly tool for personal communication, our Email Sender ensures a smooth and hassle-free process.

Built with a responsive design and integrated with the Bootstrap framework, our application offers a visually appealing and intuitive interface. The inclusion of real-time file input updates using JavaScript adds an extra layer of convenience, making it easy for users to attach files effortlessly. With this robust combination of technologies, sending emails with attachments becomes not only straightforward but also aesthetically pleasing. Embrace the future of email communication and elevate your messaging experience with our Email Sender with File Attachment, where functionality meets elegance.

You may also check some simple PHP projects:


  1. File Attachment: Easily attach files to your emails, providing a convenient way to share documents, images, or any other file type.

  2. Responsive Design: The user interface is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices and screen sizes.

  3. Bootstrap Integration: Leveraging the Bootstrap framework, the application boasts a clean and visually appealing design, enhancing user experience.

  4. PHP and PHPMailer: The backend is powered by PHP, a versatile server-side scripting language, and PHPMailer, a reliable email-sending library for PHP.

Technologies Used:

  • PHP: The server-side scripting language responsible for handling form submissions, processing emails, and interacting with the mail server.

  • PHPMailer: A robust PHP library that simplifies the process of sending emails, supporting attachments and various email configurations.

  • Bootstrap: A popular front-end framework that ensures a responsive and visually appealing user interface.

  • JavaScript: Used to enhance the user experience, including real-time updates for file input.

How to Use:

  1. Fill in Details: Open the application and provide the recipient's email address, subject, message, and choose the file you want to attach.

  2. Submit Form: Click on the "Send Email" button to submit the form. The application will validate the inputs and send the email with the attached file.

  3. Success or Error Feedback: Receive instant feedback on the success or failure of the email sending process. If successful, a confirmation alert will be displayed; otherwise, an error message will guide you on the necessary steps.

Sample Screenshots of the Project:

Landing Page

Sample Inputs

Success Feedback

Email Received

How to Run?

  • Download and Install XAMPP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file.
  • Setup your Gmail Account. ON the 2 Step Verification.


  • Transfer the provided source code to the htdocs folder.
  • Open the file to any code editor and change the Gmail Address, App Password and Name.
  • Open your browser with the link "http://localhost/email-sender-with-file-attachment/index.php".

Video Demonstration for Installation/Setup:


In conclusion, our Email Sender with File Attachment stands as a testament to the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies to enhance email communication. With its user-friendly interface, responsive design, and the powerful capabilities of PHP and PHPMailer, this application provides a reliable and efficient solution for sending emails with attachments. Whether you're a professional navigating the demands of a busy workday or an individual seeking a straightforward tool for personal communication, our platform ensures a hassle-free and visually appealing experience. Embrace the convenience of streamlined email correspondence and the ability to share files effortlessly with our Email Sender, where innovation meets practicality, ushering in a new era of efficient and stylish communication.

That's it! I hope this "Email Sender with File Attachment Using PHP and PHPMailer" will assist you on your programming journey, providing value to your current and upcoming PHP projects.

For additional tutorials and free source code, explore our websites.  

Enjoooy :>>

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


((((  Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.  ))))

Unfortunately, this message prevents the programmer from running more than one project. We ask him to explain the solution and fix it

The error message "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" indicates that there is an issue with the authentication process when attempting to connect to the SMTP server. This commonly occurs when the provided SMTP username or password is incorrect or if there are issues with the SMTP server configuration.

To resolve this issue, you should check the following:

  1. SMTP Authentication Credentials:

    • Ensure that the SMTP username and password provided in your PHPMailer configuration are accurate. Double-check for any typos or errors in the credentials.
  2. SMTP Server Configuration:

    • Verify that you are using the correct SMTP server address and port. The settings may vary depending on your email service provider. For Gmail, commonly used settings are '' for the host and 587 for the port with TLS encryption.
  3. Enable Less Secure Apps:

    • If you are using Gmail, ensure that "Less secure app access" is enabled in your Google account settings. Go to your Google Account > Security > Less secure app access, and turn it on. However, keep in mind that this may pose security risks, and it's recommended to use an application-specific password for enhanced security.
  4. SMTP Encryption:

    • Check if your SMTP server requires SSL or TLS encryption. Adjust the $mail->SMTPSecure setting accordingly in your PHPMailer configuration.

Go to your Gmail account > Security > 2-Step Verification > App Passwords (very bottom).

App passwords in Gmail accounts are a security feature provided by Google to allow users to generate unique passwords for specific apps or devices that may not support the usual two-factor authentication methods.

This method will be needed for you to access your Gmail account for sending an email.

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