Online Payroll System with Attendance Monitoring using PHP/MySQL


Online Payroll System with Attendance Monitoring Project is developed using PHP as the programming language and MySQL as the database used.

Many businesses conduct their payroll process in-house in the form of full-fledged payroll departments or small business owners attempting to do it on their own. But there are a number of advantages to switching to an online payroll service, including minimizing mistakes.

Features of the System:

Client Side


 Admin Side

  • CRUD - Employee Attendance
  • CRUD - Employee
  • Employee Cash Advance
  • Employee Overtime
  • Employee Schedule
  • Generates Payslip
  • Create Position and Employee Rate per hour
  • Payroll on Date Range
  • Payslip on Date Range
  • Detects Employee if Late or On-Time
  • Deductions: SSS, Tax, Others
  • CRUD - User Management System
  • Generates Reports

Please refer to the video demo on how use to this project.

Best Regards,

Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy
IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer
Mobile: 09079373999
Telephone: 826-9296
E-mail:[email protected]

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It's really good. I love it. Can you make tutorial about admin dashboard, profile, signup, login php sql?

Where do i download the source code

Is graveyard shift is covered with the attendance?

highly appreciated

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