School Admission Processing, Screening and Scratch Cards Platform
Submitted by Harriyour on Saturday, February 16, 2019 - 17:37.
Hi guys, this is a School Admission Portal that will help schools process their admission with ease.
Student can apply for admission and take exams online, wait for result, start uploading details and many more.
Admin can print out pins, activate students and deactivate them any time.
Feel free to modify the system. Database is located in the Database folder.
Documents is in the Documentation folder.
If you encounter any error, just post it in the comment area and I'll reply you.
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Help Modifying invoicing System
Hello Harriyour,
It's an emergency project, i am creating an invoicing system that requires the admin to insert multiple data's in a table, Data's (like Items, Price and Quantity each)
i have post this same query on Stack Overflow but no answer yet and i need to complete the project other than today.........Here is the link to the question on Stack Overflow
Please help me solve the question immediately and thanks in advance
You can reach me through my email address
[email protected]
The zip file is empty can…
The zip file is empty can you please send the complete source codes at [email protected]
Get full zip file for this…
Get full zip file for this software
Note that I bought it, hence it's not free.
But I'll give at very cheap fair price
Email: [email protected]
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