LIFE Multimedia for Audio 2014
Submitted by KEM827 on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 06:15.
LIFE Multimedia Catalog makes it easy for public speakers or ministries to catalog and label unlimited media types. CD's, DVD s, MP3's. Any media type that the librarian adds to the Type Look-up table can easily be cataloged for label creation, patron orders, and reporting. Single messages cataloged have the option of an associated parent album, and likewise albums may be grouped by Collections. A parent set may include a combination of any media type. People listing enables librarian to keep track of Patrons, Ministries, Speakers and suppliers. New message entries and new patron orders are automatically flagged for labeling. Production and Patron Order reports display media usage by Date, Media type, and usage ("Master audio", "Worker copy", "purchases", Shut-ins" etc)
LIFE Multimedia incorporates file-to-record attachments, user-defined hyperlinks, data import/export, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). These enable LIFE Multimedia to work with applications external to itself. Photos may be attached to contacts. Messages may be hyper-linked to MP3's. Albums may have the case-cover design file attached to the database record. Pending labels may be linked via ODBC to labeling software (Avery and Memorex have applications that will link via ODBC - I've included a few layouts for Avery's DesignPro). LIFE Multimedia does include a few labels and reports, but the ability to link and export data reduces the database's limitations, especially as additional media types are added to the library
Default field-value lookup enables the easy creation of the next record for messages in series. The database assumes that the next message entry is a series continuation, populating the parent, series part#, Title, and Title Part# based on the last single message recorded for the selected speaker.
Written in Microsoft Access 2010, a copy of MS Access 2010 is not necessary. Microsoft provides a run-time application available for free download to execute MS Access 2010 databases.
---MS Access 2010 Runtime---
----Avery DesignPro----
----Memorex Express it--
---ODBC Open Database Connectivity overview ---
----Using ODBC with MSAccess
See instructions in Avery DesignPro "Open databases created in other programs using ODBC"
1-Link to LIFE Media 07, "ToLabel" query from Designpro via ODBC
2-Create Label in Design Pro
3-Enter A Hyper-link to the new label design from LIFE Media 07 "Setup"--> "Labels", and select the appropriate media type.
4- When printing labels, select the hyper-link directly from pending labels to print.
Questions/Ideas ? My email is [email protected]
Donations for my efforts are appreciated, even just a few dollars, via Paypal to [email protected]
April 2014
- Compact and Repair option on login, in case errors needing repair are preventing proper startup.
- Added "Remove Filter" button to Add-message form, enables easily associating multiple speakers with an album series
- repaired labeling error which was resetting the labels to the first position when printing the label preview.
Jan 2014 - Added functionality
- -Fixed Message Catalog Coding - able to add multiple messages occurring the same day by the same speaker, Catalog number may now be edited.
- -Added accounting ledger functionality - able to track available funds for media, by maintaining account balance less supplies costs plus media-sales.
- -Added Supplies catalog - to keep track of supplies, suppliers, and their costs
- -Now handles single messages that extend beyond one media by allowing multiple media at the same time, same speaker - automatically adds a parent 'Long Message' for single messages occupying more than one of a media type occurring at the same time, by the same speaker
- -Labeling is no longer flagged in Orders, but in a separate Label-Queue, So orders of Collections, Albums, and Long Messages now results in labeling request for all single or children messages.
- -Orders now automates pricing based on media types working with Message Records' Special Pricing and Free-item_flag
- -Tracking cost of purchased pre-recorded media, in messages records
- -Compact and Repair, and Backup options added to the tool-bar. Icons have been updated for the tool-bar.
- -fixed auto-lookup for addressing of related contacts
- -Report creation, deletion, printing, and preview
- -Save and manage form filters for easier searching and reporting
- -large navigation buttons added at top of forms
- -auto-zoom Messages' fields - key scripture,and summary. Auto-zoom Contacts Comments field
- -fixed auto-look up for addressing of related contacts
- -Report creation, deletion, printing, and preview
- -Save and recall data-filtering for easier searching and reporting
- -large navigation buttons added at top of forms
- -auto-zoom Messages' fields - key scripture,and summary. Auto-zoom Contacts Comments field
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