
Sudoku Game using python 3.3.4

Submitted by engrmarcel on
#‎using‬ python 3.3.4 to develop sudoku game ‪#‎sudoku‬ game from random import randint ‪#‎generate‬ board def build_board(): board=[] for i in range(9): block=[[" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "]] board.append(block) return board ## ## Ensure no other block in the same row has the value ## def row_available(block, row, board, num): # Determine which of the main 3 rows this 3x3 block is at

Basic Polling System in Python

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple, hardcoded polling system in Python. Hardcoded? Hardcoded is when something is coded directly in to the program, other terms include; hardcoding and hardcode. I would only recommend harcoding if the amount that needs to be hardcoded is very small (such as only a few options in this polling system). This is similar to the use of loops.

Management System in Python - #1 - Main Menu & Adding Users

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: In this tutorial we will begin making a local user management system in Python. We have done this before in a simple SQLite database, but this series will be storing the information in simple plain text files ready for editing manually and portable safe. The Main System: First we want to create a main function which will be our menu system. The user will loop around this until they enter "0" to exit the program.