Color Palette Suggester Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code
Welcome to the Color Palette Suggester, an interactive web application designed to simplify the process of finding the perfect color combinations. Whether you're a designer, developer, or someone experimenting with creative projects, this tool allows you to generate visually appealing color palettes with ease. By selecting a base color, the app instantly creates five harmonious shades — including lighter and darker variations — to inspire your designs. With its responsive layout and elegant design, the app offers a seamless experience across all devices.
The Color Palette Suggester is equipped with intuitive features that make color selection and management effortless. Simply use the color picker to choose your main color, and the app dynamically generates a palette for you to explore. Clicking on a color box copies the HEX code to your clipboard, making it convenient for direct use in your projects. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this application combines modern technology with functionality to deliver a reliable and user-friendly tool for all your color needs.
You may also check this simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript project:
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- Interactive Color Picker:
- Easily choose a base color using the input color selector.
- Dynamic Palette Generation:
- Generates a harmonious palette including:
- Two lighter shades
- The main base color
- Two darker shades
- Generates a harmonious palette including:
- Copy to Clipboard:
- Click on any color box to instantly copy its HEX code to your clipboard, confirmed with an animated success message.
- Responsive Design:
- Adapts beautifully to all screen sizes for a consistent user experience.
- Elegant UI/UX:
- Minimalistic layout with smooth hover animations to enhance user interaction.
Technologies Used:
- HTML5: For structuring the app content and elements.
- CSS3: For styling, animations, and creating a responsive, aesthetically pleasing design.
- JavaScript: For interactivity, including generating color variations, copying to clipboard, and handling user inputs.
- Google Fonts: Integrated "Poppins" font for a modern typography style.
How to Use:
- Access the App:
- Open the app in your browser.
- Choose Your Base Color:
- Use the color input selector to choose your desired base color.
- Explore Your Palette:
- Instantly view a harmonious color palette generated for your selected base color.
- Copy Colors:
- Click any color box to copy its HEX code to your clipboard. A notification will confirm the action.
- Refine Your Selection:
- Adjust the base color anytime to generate a new palette.
Sample Screenshots of the Project:
Landing Page
Sample Palette Suggested
How to Run?
- Download the provided source code zip file.
- Extract the downloaded zip file.
- Open the html file and you are now ready to go!
Video Demonstration for Installation/Setup:
In conclusion, the Color Palette Suggester is a powerful and user-friendly tool that streamlines the process of creating harmonious color combinations. With its interactive design, instant palette generation, and easy copy-to-clipboard functionality, it’s perfect for designers, developers, and anyone seeking creative inspiration. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this application combines simplicity with functionality, making it a valuable asset for your projects. Explore, experiment, and bring your creative visions to life with the Color Palette Suggester!
That's it! I hope this "Color Palette Suggester HTML, CSS and JavaScript" will assist you on your programming journey, providing value to your current and upcoming projects.
For additional tutorials and free source codes, explore our website.
Enjoy Coding :>>
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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