Prison Management
Submitted by deepak.gupta150 on Sunday, May 27, 2012 - 01:54.
This is a prison management system made in Java...
Prisoner and Warden Id are auto generated
Use prison_management to create DSN
An application is to be developed that manages the wardens and prisoners at a prison. Each prisoner is identified by a unique number. Details, such as name and number of days left to serve in prison, need to be stored for each prisoner as well as the unique identifier. Some prisoners are categorised as high security prisoners, in which case additional information must be stored, such as security level and whether or not the prisoner can share a cell with another prisoner. Wardens have a rank in the range 1 to 5, where a rank of 5 indicates the highest level of experience. The application must provide at least the following functionalities:
- Add a new prisoner
- Find and display a prisoner, identified by number
- Release a prisoner, identified by number (a prisoner can only be released, at the discretion of the prison services, if they have less than 7 days left to serve)
- Delete a prisoner (this function will come into play in the event of death of a prisoner)
- Add a new prison warden
- Delete a prison warden
- Display all the wardens
- Display all the prisoners
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