Coming Soon Page Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code


Welcome to our Coming Soon Page, a sleek and interactive countdown timer that keeps your visitors informed while you prepare for the grand launch of your website or service. This page features a modern, responsive design that looks great on all devices, ensuring a smooth user experience for everyone. Visitors can submit their email addresses to receive notifications, allowing you to stay connected with your audience and build anticipation before going live.

Using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this page includes a dynamic countdown timer that displays the remaining days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the launch. The interactive design and subtle hover animations engage users while the countdown adds a sense of urgency and excitement. Once the timer reaches zero, a message will automatically notify users that the site is live, ensuring a seamless transition for your audience.

You may also check this simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript project:


  • Email Notification Field: Allows users to enter their email address to receive notifications when the website is launched.
  • Countdown Timer: Displays the remaining days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the launch date.
  • Responsive Design: Adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring the page looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Interactive Timer Boxes: The countdown boxes slightly enlarge when hovered, enhancing user interactivity.
  • Launch Notification: Once the countdown ends, a message appears, indicating that the website is live.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML5: For the structure of the webpage, defining the layout and form elements.
  • CSS3: To style the webpage, creating a dark theme, animations, hover effects, and responsive design.
  • JavaScript: To handle the countdown logic, update the timer in real time, and display a notification when the countdown reaches zero.

How to Use:

  1. Launch the Page: Open the HTML file in any modern web browser. The page will display a countdown timer, showing the time left until the specified launch date.
  2. Email Notification: Users can enter their email address in the input field and click "Notify Me" to stay updated.
  3. Timer Display: The countdown will update automatically every second. As the timer reaches the launch date, a message will be shown informing users that the website is now live.

Sample Screenshots of the Project:

Coming Soon Page

How to Run?

  • Download the provided source code zip file.
  • Extract the downloaded zip file.
  • Open the html file and you are now ready to go!

Video Demonstration for Installation/Setup:


In conclusion, our Coming Soon Page offers a visually appealing and functional way to keep your audience engaged while preparing for your website's launch. With its dynamic countdown timer, email notification feature, and responsive design, it helps you build excitement and maintain communication with your visitors. Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this page ensures a seamless user experience, leaving a lasting impression as you get ready to go live.

That's it! I hope this "Coming Soon Page Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript" will assist you on your  programming journey, providing value to your current and upcoming project.

For additional tutorials and free source codes, explore our website.

Enjoy Coding :>>

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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