Photography Portfolio HTML/CSS Template
Submitted by Sabahuddin on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - 18:52.
Portfolio and Photography HTML5/CSS template build with latest bootstrap framework , best suited for photographers.
- 3 HTML5/CSS3 Templates
- Video background for the homepage (YouTube Only)
- Supersized slideshow for the homepage
- Built on Skeleton Grid (Building new layouts is easy)
- PrettyPhoto Integration
- Google Maps Integration
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Photography website
For writers looking for a way to get their creative writing juices flowing, using a random paragraph can be a great way to do this. One of the great benefits of this tool is that nobody knows what is going to appear in the paragraph. This can be leveraged in a few different ways to force the writer to use creativity. For example, the random paragraph can be used as the beginning paragraph of a story that the writer must finish.
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