Dormitory Management System

Hello everyone, this is my first time here.. I would like to share here my project so called Dormitory Management System. DOMS - is a Client - Server develop using Delphi (Object-Pascal) and Firebird Database. This system is related to iDorm and Online Dormitory Management System Features: 1.) Rooms 2.) Dormitory Applicants 3.) Dormitory Occupants 4.) Student Schedules (Occupants Schedule). 5.) Student Logged (Occupants Logged). 6.) and Many more.. Hope you like my project...

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please provide your sourse code to support the low level student

nice thanks

Can you give us the source code of it so we can study it and
make our project for java programming

Hi, is it possible for you to share the full features of your system, for reference since we're also making a same application. thanks

when i run this program, it show an error "TJvUIDatabase not found" how can i fix this error.thx..

Am doing University dormitory management system which I hope u'r project will help me in doing so.Please if it's possible for you try to attach the complete project including it's documentation SRS to my email address.It's my humble request.Here is my email address [email protected] thanks in regards!

I am using Delphi 7, can't compile it due to some component missing. Can you give me ideas where can i download this. Thanks

I didn't see your project before now

when i see this project, i will write the comment for you

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