Responsive Apartment Management System

“Apartment Management System” or “AMS” is a webbased responsive application for apartment management. You can manage your whole apartment system through this web application. “Apartment Management System” is the best software for managing highly customizable apartment, flat, building or any kind of real estate properties. It will help you to control whole apartment in your hand at a glance. This Application has four steps dashboard like Admin Dashboard, Apartment Owner Dashbaord, Employee Dashboard and Renter Dashboard. Admin can controll all and Owner can Monitor Renter all. Employee can Check his Info. Renter can also check his all information. If you manage an apartment it will give you full flexibility. It can handle all apartment calculations and reporting with all flexible settings. You will be really impressed when you use it Beacause it has smooth operation, user friendly interface, full of functionality and compatible features. “Apartment Management System” is built by using PHP, Mysql, Javascript, jQuery and Ajax. Fully Responsive Application. FEATURES Built for apartment, useful for everyone. Five steps dashboard SUPER ADMIN, ADMIN, RENTER, EMPLOYEE, OWNER. Multi Branch Ready Build-in 3 languages (English, Bangla, Spanish). Customer can add new language file. Manage all reporting. Manage all Settings. Fully responsive. Suitable for all platforms. Extremely flexible interface. Whole apartment management system at your fingertips. Smooth operation, user friendly interface, full of functionality and compatible features. Expandable, customizable and fully supported by us! Full of features. HOW TO INSTALL extract the folder - copy and paste ams folder to your root directory open the ams folder and locate ams_db.sql and open it create database name (ams_db) in your local server using wamp server or xamp or mamp click on sql, and paste all the text inside ams_db.sql click on go finally go to your browser to run the software - LOGIN DETAILS Super Admin [email protected] 123456 Admin [email protected] 654321 Owner [email protected] 123456 Employee [email protected] 123456 Renter [email protected] 123456 CONTACT US ON [email protected], watsapp: +2348033527716,

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Hi profoptimum, I hope you are fine.I download apartment management system project ,it works correctly except add functionality of all module so if possible plz mail me on email. Email : [email protected] Thanks

Hi profoptimum, I just downloaded this system and installed under Linux Lite 3.2. When I run localshost/ams/index.php it happens nothing, the page stay empty. Could you pls help? Thanks a lot. My Email: [email protected] I am running 7.0.15, MySQL 5,7,17 and Apache 2.4.28

Hi profoptimum, I hope you are fine.I download apartment management system project ,it works correctly except add functionality of all module Email. [email protected]

Hola estimado, este proyecto no posee los datos completos es decir, faltan los formularios de agregar y mostrar datos en algunos módulos, es posible que los puedas facilitar o bien hay que comprar la versión full, gracias por todo, saludos... [email protected]

Hi, after i installed your project i can access normally but there is no login button. could you help please. my email: [email protected] Thanks

For testing rental application

Hello, Can I have access to the project report?

Please share license Agreement for commercial use of the current shared project.

What is the license agreement to use shared application (“Apartment Management System” or “AMS” ) in current state (without add functionality for all module) for commercial.

How to install in webhosting, not able to setup. When try ams/install/index.php site says HTTP ERROR 500

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