MAJ Microfinance Corporation Loan Collection System

MAJ Microfinance Corporation Loan Collection System is a complete loan collection system that was developed through Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access 2003 Database. This system was one of the thesis I made for a particular school. This system features: - Client/Borrower Registration - New Member and Old Member Loan Application - Monthly Loan Payment - List of Payments - Interest Settings for Emergency, Salary, Productive and Other Loan - Collateral - Loan Reports - Borrower Reports - Log history (Login and Logout Monitoring of Users) - Audit Trail (Action Monitoring of Users in the System) - Back-up Database and Change Password Account Information: username: admin password: lyndon Best Regards, Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer Mobile: 09488225971 Telephone: 826-9296 E-mail:[email protected] Follow and add me in my Facebook Account: Visit and like my page on Facebook at:

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This program looks so great but I cannot load or run due to absence of some controls such as OCX and DLL. Kindly upload all controls available so that we can see how it works etc... You can send them to me: [email protected] Thanks.

Kindly upload all controls available so that we can see how it works etc... You can send them to me: [email protected] Thanking you Regards Udaysinh Vaghela.

can I edit this software for my own purpose, how ?

how to open this project?.. thanks

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