Billing System
Submitted by akashmalik on Saturday, January 16, 2010 - 19:10.
hi guys! That is my first visual project on the Sourcecodster. where i think that it provide the help to the beginner.
It contains that how to using stock details and how to manage the selling report.
I hope it provide the help all of you.............!
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not work user name:a and password :a
not work.
user name:a
password :a
please help me...
[email protected]
Billing system Problem Software
Not Run Billing System
.Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0
path Find
Plz Solve problem
[email protected]
Billing system Problem Software
can you send me the print screen of the error.
Please send me it.
Thank You
hey,..thanks for your
hey,..thanks for your system..
i really appreciate it..
im a BsiT Student from MINDANAO!
thank you,..more system and more powers///
Nice application
The billing system is a nice application. While trying to run report for invoice, it prompt this ERROR MESSAGE "APPLICATION-DEFINED OR OBJECT-DEFINED ERROR". What can be done to correct this?
Thank you.
hospital billing VB need help
please help me for my defense of hospital billing system using VB 6.0
Is there a version of this program? pl send me
my email address : [email protected]
your Source Codes is good good luck
import command in visual foxpro to mysql dbs
Hi bro,
Can you help me, I want to have only one botton command to import the excel file into mysql data base using visual foxpro.
This is the sample data (in excel)
drawing_no area process line_no revision joint weld_cat spool weld_type size sheet line_class partno
ZONE9-2U0GHC10 ZONE9 DW 2U0GHC10 0/0/0 001 3 1 F 6 1 A6 4-1
ZONE9-2U0GHC11 ZONE8 cW 2U0GHC10 0/0/0 003 3 1 F 24 1 A6 4-1
then the condition:
Note :
DrawingNo - raw data drawing_no + sheet
Sheet – must be formatted as 2 chars (eg. 02, 03,….)
Spool – must be formatted as 3 chars (eg. 002, 003,….)
Weld_cat = must be converted 3 = Field, 5=Shop
Weld_type = must be converted B = BW, T=Threaded, C=Branch Connection
My name Marcelo Gengosa
email: [email protected]
I can give you back something if you can provide me this code.tnx a lot.
I need this saturday or friday the better.tnx
stock maintenance system using c++
please any one provide me stock maintenance system in c++ becoz i know only c /c++ language
visual studo express 2012
I was wondering if you have this for Visual Studio Express 2012. If you could send me this please?
email: [email protected]
visual basic
can you help me how to do billing system .. i bakery .. please respond as soon as u can thank you .. hope u will help me in my project
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