Scheduling System


This is a system called Online Scheduling System made as one of the requirements in school..  uses 

Sessions for logging in and out [user authentication].

Has Add, View, Edit, delete information related to scheduling such as room, subjects, course, teacher.. etc..

Has a functionality to add, view and delete schedules.


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Really Super! God Bless...

user id and passwrod pls

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

For admin account: user: admin pass: a ^_^

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Ano po yung username ng User at password?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What is the password and Username in USer i can't log in ?

good project can you exchange to asp by please ... my email [email protected]

d best....u saved me...

it is always give an error called "Cannot modify header information". i'm using WAMP server. is it an error in the WAMP or what would the error ??? anyone can contact me on [email protected] please help me. thanx

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

did you solved it? I also had the same problem

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

go select config files on your wamp server menu. then (ctrl+f) search buffer then scroll down to outputting buffer since the default value will be 0 or NO change it to 4096 and save the changes and restart your wamp once again

codeigniter please..

i was do examination scheduling system for my thesis. i got a little bit problem. I have a problem to detect the problem between all clash such as class capicity, student subject.. can you help me...

i was do examination scheduling system for my thesis. i got a little bit problem. I have a problem to detect the problem between all clash such as class capicity, student subject.. can you help me...

Im using Xampp server not Wamp..what can i do I have an two errors appear 1.) Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\xampp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 299 2.) Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 43 Thnx..reply to this [email protected]

usually undefined variable is a php warning causes by non declared variables. To solve this problem you can disable warning errors in php.ini or simply "error_reporting(0);" put this code with the quote in each file that thrown this error. However, setting it to zero is not advisable IMPORTANT : enclose this code with php tags.

Uhmm..i think the function you gave to already been solved the issues..i will try to navigate the code if don't have errors appear.

usually undefined variable is a php warning causes by non declared variables. To solve this problem you can disable warning errors in php.ini or simply "error_reporting(0);" put this code with the quote in each file that thrown this error. However, setting it to zero is not advisable IMPORTANT : enclose this code with php tags.

In reply to by dave

have you solve that errors????i also encountered that...what did u do???? reply asap....or email me or FB @ [email protected]..

how to run this system?

hello ma'm.. I need some help about Human Resource Management System which my final project in PHP. Data base MySql. hope fuly waiting for your reply. thank you.

Please give me a copy of the ERD of this OSS..please send it to [email protected] if you're willing to share :)

Hello ;D Your system is really interesting, I have downloaded it and run it using xampp but an error occurs : "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\scheduler1\Admin\search_course.php:21) in C:\xampp\htdocs\scheduler1\Admin\search_course.php on line 39" It does not lead to the admin home page but I can access the other menu tabs. Do you have any idea about this error? Thank you :D Jello

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Put this on top of code page(1 line) and also last line of code is

In reply to by TRK (not verified)

it does not qork..kindly pls.send the solution to this problem..i cannot log in.. email me or send to my fb acct.. [email protected] thanks in advance

Im using Wamp..what can i do I have two errors appear 1.) Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\wamp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 299 2.) Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\wamp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 43 Thnx..reply to this email.. [email protected]

Im using Wamp..what can i do I have some errors appear i sent you two times emails with snapshoot of error but you didn't send me reply I ALSO SENT YOU A MESSAGE ON YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT... plz help me and solve my problem [email protected] THANKS IN ADVANCE

this system works well i got a few concerns about it: 1) when scheduling for a class and there is a conflict it tells you of the conflict can you make it in such a way that after telling you the conflict it goes further and give you available options to schedule. 2) on the day option again in scheduling why cant the system use check boxes(to check the days that the course will be taught) if a course is to be taught like thrice in a week, instead of having the person scheduling repeating it for the three days 3) can you make the system to be able to gather all the reports and in this case the results like room_results.php and others and merge them to give one general report, or for that matter a document that contains all the class schedule for that semester 4) after getting the results from 3 above can u make the system to be able to schedule for the exam timetable in such a way that one selects the venue but the times are based on the scheduled class timetable, in a way that classes that start at 7:30 am get the first priority when scheduling the exams timetable and on average there are four exams time in a day with each exam scheduled for three hours

Im using USBWebserver ..what can i do I have an two errors appear 1.) Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\xampp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 299 2.) Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 43 someone please help me

"hi, i have a problem on every pages, because when i put it on the wamp server.. it goes wrong and codes keep on showing on the page.. i put a single qoute (') in each error.. then its okay again. but when i click the first combo box, nothing shows.. what should i do?

Im using Wamp..what can i do I have two errors appear 1.) Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\wamp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 299 2.) Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\wamp\htdocs\Scheduling\index.php on line 43 Thnx..Please reply to this email.. [email protected]

HI, I'm doing sectioning and scheduling system for our lab activity,i find so hard to analyze,as well as the code to fix this problem. Help please. [email protected]

i need help !!! please give some thesis titles ... something new ...

First I have two errors 1.) Notice: Undefined variable: error in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 299 2.) Notice: Undefined index: username in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 43 Then I ignore it and try to log in then 4 more errors came. 1. Notice: Undefined index: email in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 57 2. Notice: Use of undefined constant ID_my_site - assumed 'ID_my_site' in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 82 3. Notice: Use of undefined constant Key_my_site - assumed 'Key_my_site' in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 83 4. Notice: Undefined index: userpass in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\Online Scheduling System\index.php on line 83

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\sched.php:8) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\index.php on line 68 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\sched.php:8) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\index.php on line 69 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\sched.php:8) in C:\xampp\htdocs\sched\Admin\index.php on line 82

please tell me does it work with xampp server and mozilla firefox and tell me the step
i just now import the sql but the rest is not work... pls help me this is my final project...

how to import the database in phpadmin im using wamp server

hello... this file saved us during our SAD subjects and in behalf of our group i would like to thank did a really awesome work :)

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