Judging Management System using PHP and MySQL Free Source Code
This project is entitled Judging Management System. It is a web-based application that was developed using PHP Language and MySQL Database. The application provides an online and automated judging system. I manage certain organizations' event contests. It has a pleasant user interface and consists of user-friendly features and functionalities.
How does the Judging Management System work?
The Judging Management System is an automated or electronic platform for managing and tallying certain contest scoring. This application allows certain organization management or staff to register on the system for free. Organizer or user can simply create their account by filling in all the required fields on the registration form. Registered organizers can create multiple events and sub-events. They can list the event contestants, judges, and criteria if the sub-event is activated. Judges can manage the score of the contestant using the system-generated judge code. The system also contains an Overall tally, tally by judges, contestant ranking, and event placing features.
Features and Functionalities
The Judging Management System project is consist of the following features and functionalities.
- Manage Event List
- Manage Sub-Event
- Manage Sub-Event Settings
- List of Contestant
- List of Judges
- Criteria Management
- Score Sheets Management
- Live View of Scores
- View Contestant Scores per Judges
- Deduct Contestant Point(s)
- Generate Final Result
- Generate Over All Result
- Review Data
- Manage Organizer's Basic and Company Information
- Add/Edit Tabulator User
- Live View of Scores
- View Contestant Scores per Judges
- Deduct Contestant Point(s)
- Generate Final Result
- Generate Over All Result
- Manage Contestant Score
- Update Contestant Score
- View Tally
Here are some snapshots of some pages of the Judging Management System
Event List
Event's List of Judges
Judge Panel's Scoring Page
Judge Panel's Tally Page
Event's Contestant Scores Per Judge
The Judging Management System project source code is available on this website. The source code is a modified copy and not developed from scratch (unmodified copy was downloaded from http://freeproject24.com/php-judging-system-with-source-code-freeproject24/). Feel free to download the modified copy on this site.
How to Run?
- Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP.
- Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)
System Installation/Setup
- Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
- Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
- Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory.
- Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
- Create a new database named jms_db.
- Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as jms_db.sql located inside the db folder.
- Browse the Judging Management System in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/php-jms/.
You can simply create your own organizer user by registering on the system.
That's it! I hope this Judging Management System in PHP and MySQL Database Project helps you with what you are looking for and that you'll find something useful also from the source code itself for your current and future PHP Projects.
Explore more on this website for more Tutorials and Free Source Codes.
Enjoy :)
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Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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