Library Management System -C++

Library Management System using C++ This system automatically creates the book code for each book entry. It automatically generates return date from the issue date and calculates the fine amount. Searching the book based on bookcode. Created by Narmadha S.T.

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YOU R GENNIS....& ....GOOD KNOWLEDGE......................I M RAJU...............I WANT TO ASK U...C++&C...PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ........MAIN KAISE PRACTICE KAR......KI .....ISS ...LANGUAGE .....MAIN COMMAND BANA SHAKTA HOON.........PLEASE HELP ME.......SEND..... MY EMAIL [email protected]

awsome work ........thanx for the library code......

plz.send me a library management code in c++ language.............. my email id is [email protected]


Hi in urgent need of such a sample mind emailing full sources or providing them here @ [email protected] thank you

friend, can i get your help.. if can.. can u email me for we chat for privacy.. this is my email [email protected]. i hope u can help me..

Here is a code which will store the user information and password for log in.

i need the code as reference for my final,can u send the source code to my email ASAP?my [email protected]

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