MultiFace Recognition and Identification System

MultiFace Recognition and Identification System - a desktop application software designed for face recognition and Identification, which developed under the used of free and open source tools.. -capable of saving and retrieving recognize face in file(folder). -supports multiple face recognition.

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Hai this is free usefull souce code about face detection. i don't know where i can learn about face detection. can you give me step by step tutorial please??? can i create this face detection system using [email protected]

I am interested with this topic is there anyone who can help me?

the "start debugging" button is in inactive mode after loading the project to visual studio 2010....any help will be appreciated.

Hello, I just want to ask that is it possible or practically feasible to implement face recognition using parabola edge map in C#??? Please Help me....

Hello, who you help me regarding for my thesis? I just want to enable and disable wifi connection using c# code. Is it posible??? PLEASE HELP ME. . . :(

hello, iam very happy with your code and it will be very useful for my project, could u please help me in storing the captured images into database and compare the images from the database. please please please help me. thank you waiting for your reply.

Hello, I couldn't download this code please help me. i need this code. how i learn to implementation face recognition? please help me. thanks

this is a very good syatem bt how do i add a face into the trainer

Sir,i need the compare the two face both are the same or not using c# ur are provide the source code than can help me

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