RetailStar Lite Point of Sale Software Using C#, SQLite/PostgreSQL
Submitted by David Tuikong on Saturday, March 10, 2018 - 00:43.
Easy to Install & intuitive user interface
Works right out of the box with minimal configuration
Quick Sale Mode, Sell to Existing Customer or Add New Customer on the Fly.
Cash Drawer Management: Know the exact amount that should be in the Cash drawer at any Time!
Use any Standard Barcode Scanner.
Staff Management and access control levels
Product Management
Extensive Inventory Management and Reorder Level Monitoring
Customer Management
Supplier Management
Invoice generation
Track payments and Pending Invoices
Daily Sales Report Per Invoice and Per Staff
Receipt Printing
Accept Multiple Payments: Cash,Card, Mobile or Cheque and Record Payment Details.
Cash Register
Customize Currency, Logo & Units of Measure & Taxes
Sell Discrete or Continuous Quantities
Easy Tax configuration
Profit and Loss Statements
Profit Report Per Product;
Expenses Management.
Batch Pricing Now Supported. FIFO Inventory Management Method and Batch Pricing to track changes in Buying / Selling Price and Accurate Reporting of Profits
I have provided full source code and a stripped database. Selling the full database for USD 99.
I also have the RetailStar Enterprise grade POS software running on PostgreSQL database. Selling full Source Code plus database for USD 250.
All software is production grade and is in active use by business
contact me [email protected]
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