undaerstand chr (27) + chr (64) and set paper size manualy by coding in vb

hi please help me again what is chr (27) and like chr (xx..) what dose it means how can i stop ejecting paper from printer after complete print lines i use txt file and edit.com to see what is to be print let me know every thing about chr (27) like code how can i set paper size with chr help in vb 6.0 codeing please let me know if possible as soon thanking you jayesh patel

hi vb master hello again i made a programe for sale bill i want print the curretnt data which show on vb 6.0 forum i use chr (27) + chr (67) to reset paper now the probelm is customer nname :- jayesh patel will print like this but actully it dosn';t print as shown it print like customer name:- jayesh patel now how can i set like above thanking you

hi vb master here is my code Public Sub SbillPrint(printtofile As Boolean) 'bill page size :- 'Height :- 10.02 CM starting Edge to perforater 'Width :- 25.0 CM Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection qry = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source = " & App.Path & "\jay medicin.mdb" cn.Open qry Dim Rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset Dim Items As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim MaxItems As Integer MaxItems = 11 Items = 1 Rs1.Open "select * from sale_particulars ", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Set t = Fs.OpenTextFile(VappPath & "\SBill.Txt", ForWriting, True) If Not (Rs1.EOF And Rs1.BOF) Then t.Write Chr(27) + Chr(67) + Chr(12.03) + Chr(27) + Chr(77) ' items = 6 hoy tyare print mate ni size Start: t.WriteLine Space(31) & (Rs1!bill_no) t.WriteLine LPad(Rs1!pat_name, 31) & Space(25) & Rs1!bill_date t.WriteLine Space(20) & Rs1!dr_name t.WriteBlankLines 1 If Rs1!bill_no = reqText1.Text Then Do While Rs1!bill_no = reqText1.Text t.WriteLine Space(2) & RPad(CStr(Rs1!item_Name), 35) & _ RPad(CStr(Rs1!batch), 15) & _ RPad(CStr(Rs1!Expiry), 10) & _ RPad(CStr(Rs1!p_rate), 10) & _ RPad((Rs1!S_Rate), 7) & "" Rs1.MoveNext If Items MaxItems Then For i = 0 To MaxItems - 1 Next i End If Items = Items + 1 If Rs1.EOF = False And Items > MaxItems Then t.WriteLine Space(8) & RPad("", 24) & Space(11) & RPad("", 10) & Space(14) & LPad("Cont...", 15) t.Write Chr(12) Items = 1 If Rs1!bill_no > reqText1.Text Then Exit Do End If t.Write Chr(27) + Chr(67) + Chr(24.07) + Chr(27) + Chr(77) ' items = 6 hoy tyare print mate ni size GoTo Start End If If Rs1!bill_no > reqText1.Text Then Exit Do End If Loop End If t.Write Chr(12) End If t.Close Rs1.Close If printtofile = True Then Shell VappPath & "\Edit.Com " & VappPath & "\sBill.Txt", vbMaximizedFocus Else Shell VappPath & "\p1.bat " & Fs.GetFile(VappPath & "\sBill.Txt").ShortPath, vbHide End If Set t = Nothing Set Fs = Nothing End Sub

As you mentioned in your previous comment: now the probelm is customer nname :- jayesh patel will print like this but actully it dosn';t print as shown it print like customer name:- jayesh patel now how can i set like above You mean the output became: customer name:- jayesh patel and not customer name :- jayesh patel?

I have a little problem related to Printing in microsoft Access report. I am taking printing from Printer on cash register Roll up Slips. But after the printing slip paper is ejected. But I dont want to eject the paper. bcz it is continuious paper roll. So please help me that how can I do it that the paper should not ejected by printer. I am using EPSON LQ-300 printer. Therefore I didnt find any option from the printer properties. Thanks krishnan email : [email protected]

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