New Version of Elixir V0.11.0 Released
Submitted by Saad Arif on Friday, November 8, 2013 - 23:59.
It was 4 months ago when the last version of Elixir was released in the market but after 4 months wait, Elixir has released its latest version v0.11.0 that contains a lot of improvements and bug fixes as well. The version released 4 months ago was called a minor release but the latest release is termed as full fledge release of the version by Elixir.
There are some really great features in this version but the major focused has been put by Elixir in improving the UI and workflow for users.
The interactive shell tool is the most improved tool in this version. There is no surprise for users because Elixir developers have spent a good amount of time in the shell to make these changes and build an improved version of Elixir. With the help of latest improvements in IEx, you can easily load any code, make changes in it and execute to see what happens next. IEx can now also be connected with remote nodes to inspect production information as well.
The helper tool of IEx “h” that shows the documentation regarding a code that is running and also shows its functions, has been improved in the latest release and now it runs on ANSI codes. This means that the documents are now formatted very nicely. This gives you a better control over your code as a programmer and execute different functions while looking at fine documentation that is easy to understand.
There were some great changes in the ExUnit when previous version was released in the market. The support for - - trace option was added in that version. However, Elixir has come up with more improvements this time and now you can add profiling to test cases as well. A user can easily use the test warning function now and know about the problems in a code before it is too late.
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