Top 5 Best and Widely-Used Frameworks for Python
Submitted by Ivan Ponce on Monday, July 16, 2018 - 21:43.

Undeniably, among the many programming languages that developers can utilize, Python is one of those that are widely-used and preferred over the other languages. Its readability, simple syntax, standard web framework, and huge developer ecosystem continues to attract more and more users as time passes. With this programming language, it is easier to understand and to write codes.
Aside from the best features of Python, it is also one of the eight highest-paying programming languages along with Kotlin, Swift, Java, C#, Objective-C, Ruby, and Go. The said programming language which is usually used in data analysis, task automation, mathematical calculation, and web development is the language behind Reddit, Google, Dropbox, and YouTube.
Are you interested to use Python too? There are lots of frameworks that work best with this programming language. To make it easier for you to choose, here are five Python frameworks that are considered the best and are widely used by developers according to Webcase:
1. Djangco
Many developers consider Django as the top Python framework. It has lots of templates that are ready for utilization and it also allows developers to abstract the databases. Django has a built-in web server. It can map URLs and it can be used in developing both small scale and large scale solutions.
2. Flask
Flask framework is ideal for beginners in web development. It is simple and very easy to learn and it allows developers to utilize the DBMs and as well as the templates. This framework has the capability to write modular applications through blueprints.
3. CherryPy
Aside from Django, another prominent Python framework is the CherryPy. Several web servers can run simultaneously with this framework. Furthermore, it has a library that is imported into the project and developers are also allowed to enable or disable variations of databases and templates.
4. Pyramid
Part of the Pylons project, Pyramid framework is known for its flexibility. It allows the developer to pick anything including the template styles, the DBMs, and the URL structure. This framework supports lots of engines and template languages. Among those engines supported by Pyramid are Mako and Jinja2.
5. TurboGears
One of the top Python frameworks is the TurboGears. This framework features utilization of Gearbox as the toolkit, many useful tools for CLI, and support for the integration of Genshi's MochiKit. It also comes with a system of widgets. With regards to its architecture framework, TurboGears is a model-view-controller (MVC).
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