How to Differentiate Two Cell Values in DataGridView Control

Submitted by admin on
I read a lot of question about this on the forum and thought it’s time to share with you on how to differentiate two cell values in DataGridView control. By default we use the Value property of cells like: QtyOrdered = InvoiceDetails("Qty", e.RowIndex).Value Another is to use the FormattedValue like: QtyOrdered = InvoiceDetails("Qty ", e.RowIndex).FormattedValue But the two code above will not work if you have a condition like If QtyOrdered > InvoiceDetails ("TotalQty", e.RowIndex).Value Then to determine if the Qty Ordered is less than the

File Search And Destroy

Submitted by euverve on
I coded a simple utility that removes files based on file hash because some malwares or virus spreads in every folder in usb or drive. This is threaded so while searching the form will not hang. Souce Codes: Public Class Mainform Private Sub Form1_Load ( ByVal sender As System . Object , ByVal e As System .EventArgs ) Handles MyBase .Load Control .CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False End Sub

LoadData in Datagridview

Submitted by xiankaylle on
This is a simple program that load datas from MysSql Database Applying Object Oriented Programming I hope this sample will help you guys! Thank you! and God Bless! in order to run the Program make Sure that you have Mysql in your System Unit and Follow the instructions below. NOTE PLEASE READ THIS:

Login Object Oriented Programming in C#

Submitted by xiankaylle on
This is a sample Login program using C sharp, I made this to help you guys in understanding Object Oriented Programming. This is very common program but More Secure and faster with regards to the memory usage. I hope this program will help you guys. Thank you God Bless! "Human Knowledge Belongs to the WORLD "BUT" WISDOM Belongs to GOD!"