SQL UPDATE Statement

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When you insert record to your table there are some cases that you need to modify the data. Or you may want to update it to the latest record.

The SQL update is there to help us modify the existing values of the table, the SQL update statement used the same column name as insert statement and the new value that you want to placed and the table name to update the data successfully.

The syntax of SQL update statement is as follows:

SQL intro

Submitted by admin on
SQL is an acronym for Structure Query Language, it is a language which helps program to communicate with the databases, regardless of the type of the database, the SQL syntax is almost the same except for extended commands which certain DBMS support or do not support or simply have its own versions or dialects.

Weekly Sales Report using Crystal Reports

Submitted by admin on
The following source code will teach you on how to create a “Weekly Sales Report” using Crystal Reports. The most important part of this project is the use of SQL Statement. Here’s the statement that create a weekly sales report. SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CONVERT(Varchar, DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), Date), CONVERT(DATETIME,