Digital Stopwatch using Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
In this tutorial I'm going to teach you on how to create a simple digital stopwatch that will able you to start the timer when the “Start” button is click, then pause the timer when the “Pause” button is clicked. And you can also clicke the “Continue” button if you want to continue running the timer. And this program has the feature that able’s you to restart the timer anytime you want as long as you click the “Reset” button and finally you can stop the timer if you wish to stop it and the timer will go back to its original value.

SHARP BOOK Accounting System

Submitted by akora4 on
This system that I've just make works for accounting which is more simple and easy to access. It enables you to add an image to a certain customer, do some deposit and withdrawal data, User Authentication, Income and Expenses, Balance Inquiry, Bank Statement, Loan Calculator, Summary sheet, Transfer account and all of the accounting supported reports. Just backup using the built-in back-up system

Reading from and Writing to a Text File in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on
Introduction: This tutorial demonstrate the method of reading from and writing to a text file in Java. Java has two type of files: Binary and Text. Text file is processed as a sequence of characters where as Binary file is processed a sequence of bytes. This application has 4 JButtons for reading, writing, exiting, and clearing the Display Area. Also It has a display area where we can type the data to be written to text and in the same area content from file are displayed. Step 1: Creating GUI Components Create the four buttons, label, text area and text field.

Creating Sleepy Face in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on
In this tutorial we will learn to create a simple face(only eyes) which change when sleep button or wakeup button is clicked. This Application has two JButtons and a Panel for displaying the face. This Application handles Action Events for the buttons. In all we will create three class to make the design simple and clear.

Part 1: Creating a Class FacePanel for drawing face

Step 1: This class is used to draw the face based on whether the face is awake or asleep. For that we require a boolean variable awake which is set false initialy.

Retail Store Sales Management

Submitted by djshoruv on
This is a complete retail store sales management system. It allows you to create invoice, accept product return, and refund a sales. It has also a report for daily sales, daily sales return, current stock report, purchase report, sales report and a lot more. Password: 123 Full version source code. If u need any kind of help plz mail me.