Android Oscillator Application Using Basic4Android - Tutorial Part 1

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will introduce the power of Basic4Android that creates an Oscilloscope Application in Android. The first thing that you will do is to create a design like the Image below. Have a one Panel and named it as Panel1, an 8 Label and named it as lblScale0 label it as “1 U / div”, lblScale1 label it as “2 U / div”, lblScale2 label it as “3 U / div”, lblScale3 label it as “4 U / div”, lblOffset0 label it as ” 1 U Offset”, lblOffset1 label it as ” 2 U Offset”, lblOffset2 label it as ” 3 U Offset”, lblOffset3 label it as ” 4 U Offset”.

Android Excel File Reader Application using Basic4Android - Tutorial Part 1

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today, i will introduce a powered application in Android that views an Excel File. Some of the Android Phones today is not reliable to open and read an Excel File in their Android Phones. But, reading this tutorial makes you realize that you can program the Android to open an Excel File. The first thing that you will consider is to copy an Excel File to the File Folder of your Basic4Android Application.

CSS Tutorial

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is used in conjunction with HTML to create every web page from the most basic design to the most interactive website. While HTML gives the elements to the page, CSS is used to give the styling of it which includes everything from colours to animations. CSS is a very easy language to pick up and is essential to anyone wanting to learn about Web Design. The latest version of CSS is CSS3.

Android Image Swapping in 3D Animation Tutorial

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, it is not simply swapping images by coding the image visibility to true or false but in this kind of tutorial I will introduce a unique swapping of images with 3D flipping in which it will swap in 3D Animation. First you need to have your abstract design like this and have two ImageView and named it as i1 and i2 and then one label and put the text on it as "Click the image above".

Android Image Flipping in 3D View Tutorial

Submitted by donbermoy on
In my first tutorial entitled “Android Image Fading Animation” , I discussed about how to fade in and fade out an image. Now I will introduce some sort of flipping with a 3 Dimensional View in an Image. As you can see, there are 7 buttons that I created namely b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 and one ImageView as your Image. The design in the designer should be like the image below.