Splash Screen Pro

Submitted by AnassDev on
This project explain how to use splash screen to get professional work. A Splash Screen is a customizable screen that will appear for a few seconds as your application loads up. but in this project the time for splash screen will be customizable. It is a very professional feature to have in your application. MS visual studio 2012 used.

Validating and Inserting User Data in PHP/MySQL(i)

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to take user input, check it against a database, and insert if it is not already present. This could be used for registration in terms of unique usernames. Database: First we need a database with one table. My database is called 'fln', table is called 'test', and it has two fields: id, int, 5 length, primary key, auto increment. username, varchar/string, 255

Complete Clock Settings Application

Submitted by donbermoy on
This application was developed using Basic4Android entitled Complete Clock Settings Application. This app features: - Displaying Current Time - Clock Color Settings - Clock Transparency Settings - Background Color Settings (RGB based) - Time Format Settings (12/24-hour format) - Save Current Settings Download this app to study and make your own android application! :) For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any kind of programming languages, just contact my number below. Best Regards, Engr.

PACMAN Animation Programming part1

Submitted by moazkhan on


PACMAN Animation Programming part1

In this tutorial you will learn: 1.Game Programming 2.Swing Animations 3.Event handling 4.JAVA awt 5.JAVA swing 6.KeyListeners Today I am going to teach you how to make a simple PACMAN mockup. In this tutorial we will only set up the pacman character and will provide functionality to the character using arrow key. After that we will set up the pacman mouth open close animation. Then we will setup it’s collision with a wall.

Inserting Data in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is going to be on how to insert data in to a MySQL table through PHP. This is in companionship with my 'How To Retrieve Data' tutorial found here (http://www.sourcecodester.com/php/7510/retrieving-data-mysqlphp.html). 'Insert': To insert data in to a MySQL table, we have to use the 'INSERT' keyword command in our query statement. Steps: First we need to create the data

How To Get Dropdown List From Database

Submitted by GeePee on
This is sample project on how to get a dropdown list from the database. This project is very simple and easy to understand especially for beginners. I have one dropdown list which contains car brands. When the user choose an item from the list, it automatically display all the recorded car model under the selected brand/item. Hope you learn from this simple project.

screenshot tool

Submitted by Paul Young on
A simple window capture software, it is quite simple to understand so I don't feel there's a need for a tutorial. All it does is take a screenshot of an active window to a Bitmap (similar to Alt+Print Screen) and displays it in a PictureBox, I guess the only interesting function is CreateBitmap().

Sorting Data in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be running off a tutorial found here (http://www.sourcecodester.com/php/7510/retrieving-data-mysqlphp.html) and will be showing you how to sort retrieved data. An example of how this could be used is in the leaderboards of a game. Table Modifications: First I need to modify my table from the previous 'Retrieving Data' tutorial. I am going to add a second column