Dynamically Remove HTML Tag Using PHP

Submitted by razormist on

In this tutorial we will create a Dynamically Remove HTML Tag using PHP. This code will remove all existing html tag is a string when user click the remove button. The code use PHP POST method to call a specific function that will remove the html tag is a string with the use of preg_replace. This is a user-friendly kind of program feel free to modify it. We will be using PHP as a scripting language and interpreter that is used primarily on any webserver including xamp, wamp, etc.

Voice Recognition Program

Submitted by jhiro1228 on
Voice Command and Recognition Program Voice Command and Recognition Program is an application of intelligent system that applies voice command to execute certain task upon recognition of the command given. This program use the built in function of speech libraries found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5\System.Speech.dll. This is simple yet

Magnifying Form Window In VB.NET

Submitted by Stevenp12 on
This program will allow you to magnify whatever the computer mouse is hovering on. You are able to resize the form too. To activate the magnifying window, you have to click on the form once. All we need is a 'pictureBox' and a 'Timer'. The timer will do most of the job with 18 lines of code. First we have to code the mouse positions and the syncing of the magnifying form. We set our resolution in