SQL AND / OR Operator

Submitted by admin on

The AND/OR can be used to make a complex or multiple condition for the WHERE clause while selecting, updating or deleting some data.

The AND works as follows

Condition 1 AND condition 2 AND……… condition N

We can use as many conditions as we want with the AND. This condition’s result will only come out to be true if all the conditions are specifies, just like the and truth table


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The SQL DISTINCT clause is also used in the SELECT statement, it is used to get the data and display the unique values, and the values will be shown no matter how many times they appear in the table.


SELECT DISTINCT columnname FROM tablename



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The ORDER BY clause is used in the SQL SELECT statement to order the data in ascending or descending order, this may help us get a better look when analyzing data, the ORDER BY clause can sort numeric as well as alphabetical data in both ascending and descending order.

SQL ORDER BY Clause Syntax


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In the SQL SELECT Statement we can also group data upon certain conditions, the GROUP BY condition can only be applied if we have redundant values in at least one column upon which we can group things.

If every column of each row has unique value then the GROUP BY clause will not group any thing together and will not give proper results.

The GROUP BY clause also requires the use of an aggregate function, which does some mathematical calculations upon the grouped data.

Using OLEDB in Connecting Database to MS Access(with Database Password)

Submitted by mrdobLedos on
Hello Guys.. i uploaded this code to help other programmers to saved more space in codings.. when it comes in connecting the database.. For me,this kind of coding is more easy way than others,b'coz, you can call the connection in evry form load event with a single line code,ohhh.. i mean two words only like this "Call dbconnection" That's it.. Enjoy!!! ^__^


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Whenever you want to retrieve data from your table, there are times that you don’t want to pull all the information. You can retrieve data from the database by using the WHERE clause to filter data based on your criteria.

The WHERE clause in SQL is used to filter out data or to simply select specific data to perform the desired operation.

The WHERE clause can be used in SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement. It is needed to filter what data to select, update, or delete.

SQL Tutorial

Submitted by admin on

One of the problems that I encounter when I started programming is on how to save record to a database.

I feel I need to share the knowledge that I gained within 10 years of my experience so that other programmer who would like to learn will benefit on this tutorial.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the standard for accessing and or manipulating a database.

This tutorial will use the ISO standard so that you can apply the code that I will provided here.

SQL DELETE Statement

Submitted by admin on

When you insert data into your table you may need to update it sometimes. Not so often we inserted or updated a wrong data. That’s why there is a Delete statement.

To delete some record from the database tables we use the SQL Delete statement, the Delete Statement deletes the data row from the table which meets the condition specified in the where clause.

The delete command has the following syntax:

How to Create Reports using Crystal Reports

Submitted by admin on

This tutorial will teach you on how to create reports in Visual Basic .NET 2008 using Crystal Reports. This is a step by step guide on how I create the report on "Weekly Sales Report using Crystal Reports".

This guide is not intended for advance user. So please don't react if you find a basic explanation on this tutorial.

This assumes that you have already attached the database that is included in the zip file of "Weekly Sales Report ".