Submitted by admin on

The SQL BETWEEN operator is used with the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement, this can be used to look for the data between the minimum and the maximum values given to the clause, The BETWEEN clause has DBMS specific behavior, some of the DBMS will do an inclusive between and some will do exclusive. That will also include the values mentioned as the minimum and maximum and some will ignore the minimum and maximum and will simply list the values in between them.

How to Calculate Two Columns in DataGridView

Submitted by admin on

In my previous tutorial using DataGridView Control I explained on “How to Differentiate Two Cell Values in DataGridView Control”. This time I will teach you on how to calculate two columns in DataGridView Control.

This tutorial is very useful if you want to make a total of the two columns. For example a total of “Qty” and “Sales Price” Column.

Additionally, we will make a total of the “Amount” column.

Connect an OLEDB with MS Access 2007 Files

Submitted by bryanhayag on
Add a new module in you project or use the existing module... add a Reference" Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library or Higher type this code in the Module and make Sub Main as your startup module Option Explicit Public CON as ADODB.Connection Sub Main() Set CON = New ADODB.Connection CON.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"