Citrix Certification Exams for Systems Analysts

Submitted by coderz on
While Citrix has no certification exams that contain the words “Systems Analysts” in their titles, and also no certification paths that contain that designation either, there are several exams that are fully relevant to the professional development of Systems Analysts. These include: A19 exam – Citrix XenDesktop 5 Administration A20 exam – Basic Administration for XenApp 6.5 A26 exam – Citrix

Automated Questioning System

Submitted by teejaygenius on
A visualbasic6.0 application titled automated questioning system with the following modules adding a new applicant/student, adding and modifying questions in three courses (English, mathematics and General Papers), view result of the test by the administrator. A registered will log in with the given username and password and after 3 attempts he/she is asked to contact the administrator. Feel free

Simulation of Traffic Light System in a Four Junction

Submitted by teejaygenius on
A Visual basic 6.0 Project to traffic light simulation in a four junction. In this system there is a movement of vehicles form one location while other vehicles coming from other parts are to stop based on 15 seconds time. For more information about this project you can contact me [email protected] or call +2347035198447 Stay blessed and easy coding.

Microsoft Confirmed Phasing Out of XNA But DirectX is OK

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft have already confirmed that they have already phased out their Direct X Programs but clarifies that XNA is up and running. According to Promit Roy, the technical lead at the Action Equals Equation Labs, the man who made the first email public announcing that Microsoft Phases our XNA and DirectX. Rumors have already spread among the developers that the DirectX is no longer evolving a

PHP Time Recorder

Submitted by raffyapurillo on
This Program can do the following tasks... **Users -----Add, Edit, Delete Users **Logs -----Admin users can Add, Edit, Delete Time Logs. **Print -----Print Timesheet If you find this program helpful, please let me know by clicking the Like Button, If you want to contact me, please send me an email :[email protected] DONT JUST COMMENT USING FACEBOOK, I don't use any social networking site