Android Tutorial

Submitted by admin on

Welcome to my first article on Android tutorial. This section will teach you on how to start working with Android.

As you may have noticed, most of the program that I have uploaded here are Visual Basic and PHP. I am not actually used with Java, but after trying a few code, I found it interesting to work with it especially Android programming.

Entrance Exam for Guidance Office

Submitted by admin on
This is an entrance exam developed for Guidance Office. The purpose of this code is to allow the guidance office give a computerized entrance exam for new applicant. This is just a simple presentation on how you can create the same application. Features of this system: Allow applicant to answer questions once only. Answers are saved automatically to the database when the last question reached

Dormitory Management System

Submitted by nicegal17 on
Hello everyone, this is my first time here.. I would like to share here my project so called Dormitory Management System. DOMS - is a Client - Server develop using Delphi (Object-Pascal) and Firebird Database. This system is related to iDorm and Online Dormitory Management System Features: 1.) Rooms 2.) Dormitory Applicants 3.) Dormitory Occupants 4.) Student Schedules (Occupants Schedule). 5.)


Submitted by jkev on
Collapse these simple sourcecode enables you View the hidden content of a link without refreshing or loading the page. just link the bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js file and just copy the code. This is a simple but useful sourcecode hope you may like this thank you.

Ajax Delete

Submitted by jkev on
Hello guys this sourcecode is a simple delete system using php/mysql with ajax. The feature of this code is it provide popup window to inform you that you are about to delete one data. It also delete records without leaving and refreshing/loading the current page, hope this code will help you thank you

Excel Writer

Submitted by jkev on
This PHP excel writer enables you to make a copy of your data in your database from an excel worksheet. You can open the excel file or save it. For more question about this sourcecode just email me at [email protected] or comment in this article. Thank you databasename: db folder excel.sql

Form validator

Submitted by jkev on
Hi Guys this Form validator does not allow empty filed like textboxes, combo box, text Area, radio button this sourcecode is very helpful and easy to use just link the bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js and copy the html code and it’s done no more javascript to add thank you..

Upload File

Submitted by jkev on
Hello Guys This Upload File enables you to Upload files on php/mysql site server and saving on database instead of saving files into the database upload to the server and save file location on the database. This source may help you a Lot thank you. Database name: upload

Database Normalization of RC Charter Company Case Study

Submitted by admin on
This simple Visual Basic .NET 2010 source code is our project in Advanced Database Management System. This is based on the case study from the book "Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management" By Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Rob called "RC Charter Company". The important of this program is on how we normalize the database table. User: admin Pass: a