Binary to Text Converter

Submitted by DgBlogs on
WigglyConverter is a lightweight application that you can use to convert text to binary and viceversa. The program is very easy to use: you just have to enter the text or the binary sequence you want to convert and press the corresponding button. You can easily print or save the output text. The program is created with Visual Basic 2008. You may download the software here:

Original MySQL Founder Merged with Monty Program & SkySQL

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
One of the most daring move by the original founders of MySQL, the open-source database program, is the merger between Monty Program and SkySQL. The newly-merged company will operate under the SkySQL name. The company will have the two main co-creators of the original MySQL, Monty Widenius, head of Monty Program AB, and David Axmark of SkySQL. They will pool both Monty Program and SkySQL's

Linked List and Stack implementation in C

Submitted by deepak.gupta150 on
Student management system coded in C. This application is created to demonstrate Linked list and Stack implementation using C. Stack - In automated stockroom, initially the user has to provide the quantity of retailers to be taken from the truck and then the program will prompt the user to add the product id as well bin id for the respective retailers and then after scanning all the ID’s program

Using Barcode Reader In VB.NET

Submitted by nimblebits on
This project was converted from C#, it is a Serial Barcode Reader Application that will check to see if a COM Port exists. It will Open the Port, Read data, and Close the Port when it is done. Then a Delegate is used to write to a UI control from a non-UI thread. If an error occurs, it will automatically write the error to a log file. If the log file directory doesn't exist, it will create one and