Advance Login Form V2.0

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
This Project will guide you how to make advance login form for your own Project Main Features are : 1. Login from Database, Only registered users can login 2. Change Password Form 3. Password Recovery Form Login Details : Username - admin Password - 12345 For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website Development

Histogram of the frequencies of characters - C Program

Submitted by davidwachira on
A program written in C to print a histogram of the frequencies of different characters (printable) in its input as horizontal bars #include /* C Standard Input and Output Library*/ /*Variable declarations*/ char string_of_characters[200]; int character_frequency_counter; int counter; int print_histogram_counter; int output_counter; char frequency_array[26][2]={'a',0,'b',0,'c',0,'d',0,'e',0,'f',0

TextBox Validation in Delphi

Submitted by teody882012 on
Delphi validation program Follow the instructions / procedures below: 1. Open your Delphi IDE 2. Create a Form with 2 TLabels, 2 TEdit and 1 TButton, Just like this: 3. Copy and paste the sourcecodes below: unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit;

Students Union Government (SUG) System

Submitted by Afrika on
Ex. The purpose of this program is to help Students Union Government (SUG)Executives to keep records of Students information in school. It also help them to track any student by using the person information. eg: Student Regno or Surname. 1. It requires microsoft access database 2. Run and enter username and password 3. username:UNN 4. Password: OP

Creating a Dependent Dropdown List with PHP, jQuery and Ajax.

Submitted by kabiru10 on
There are times in a web application where you want to populate a dropdown list based on the value of another drop down list. Scenarios like this can be populating a Country’s State dropdown based on the value of the Country selected, populating product sub-categories based on the parent category. In this example, we will be creating a dropdown list for category/subcategory for a product in an eCommerce website. Create a database called dependent_list.

How to Create Web Browser Using VB.Net 2012

Submitted by princenathan on
The Web Browser control in VB.NET 2012 allows you to host Web pages and other web browser enabled documents in your Windows Forms applications. You can add browser control in your VB.Net 2012 projects and it displays the web pages like normal commercial web browsers . You can use the Browser control to add your existing Web based controls to your Windows Forms client applications. The Web Browser control has several properties, methods, and events related to navigation.

Contact Us Script Using sqlite

Submitted by gateluv on
Sqlite is a relational database management system contained in a small C programming library. Sqlite is a popular embedded database system that stores records in a little file on the system source code. Data can be retrieved through the use of write and read ability of sqlite. Moreover, Instead of saving the record into a RDMS tool like “phpmyadmin”, Sqlite can be used instead as it will save the record into a separate file on the host machine. To create a contact us page on our website using sqlite.