How to Create an Image Converter in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today in C#, I will teach you how to create a program that will convert an image to its file extension in jpeg, bmp, png, and gif. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Next, add one PictureBox named picbox, two buttons named btnBrowse and btnconvert, and one ComboBox named cbformats.

Understanding headers, variables and functions

Submitted by moazkhan on

Understanding headers, variables and functions

In this part you will learn: 1. Pseudo code 2. Headers 3. Functions 4. Variables and data types In this tutorial I will teach you the basic stuff that is need for programming in c. First thing to learn is pseudo code. Pseudo code: When you want to start coding a problem the first thing before writing an algorithm is to write the solution of the problem that is in your mind in simple English. Pseudo code has no specific pattern it’s just a way to writing the solution of the problem in simple English.

Add / Multi Delete & Edit Data in one Page

Submitted by ifeco on
Coded in Php. This is a simple example on how to make multiple modifications of database content without navigating from one page to another. If you follow it carefully, you will get to know how I achieved this. In this application, you can add content, check all, uncheck all, delete and edit all checked boxes in one single page. To get exactly the layout shown on the screenshot, use Google Chrome

How to Count and Limit Characters

Submitted by GeePee on
This is the updated version of the comment box I have made previously. The main purpose of this update is to show you on how to limit the text count in the textarea. It displays the remaining text to be entered. I also added line breaks by using .replace in javascript code. Now it displays what we exactly wrote in the textarea. And I also updated the plain text url. It is now clickable and

Setting up the IDE for programming in C

Submitted by moazkhan on

Setting up the IDE for programming in C

In this part you will learn: 1. IDE 2. Compiler 3. Setting up the DEV C++ environment Today we are going to start a 15day series of learning C language. In these tutorials I will teach you from the most basic to some advance stuff. First and the most basic step to start coding is to setup and IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ) sounds a little bit complicated but it really isn’t.

E-learning CMS(Content Management System) based website coded in PHP.

Submitted by ifeco on
This is a CMS(Content Management System) based website coded in PHP. The admin can Update or Delete the content of the website through the admin panel. I did this as my project in my final year some months ago. I also made a downloadable pdf file for each topic of the content which the user can download through the download link in the navbar of the homepage. The user can also search the topics of

Kingsfield Express Inn Hotel Reservation Cagayan Branch

Submitted by michael.galanza on
Kingsfield Hotel Reservation Cagayan Branch. Steps to run the system 1.Create Database name kingsfield_database. 2.Create Username to your wamp server kingsfield the password must be michaelhunter1990. 3 Import the database from the file. Hope this system guide you and this will be usefull without any warranty For more info Please PM me @[email protected] or at facebook michael fujimura

Learn C in 15 Days

Submitted by moazkhan on
C language is one of the most basic and easy to learn language. It provides a gateway for entering into the programming world. C language covers all the basic concepts of programming and helps you learn structured programming practice which is the base for learning object oriented programming. In this book we will first learn the syntax and then cover the important topics which are needed for programming in all the languages like conditional statement, loops , arrays , functions , file handling ,structures etc. Whenever you want to give any suggestion feel free to comment.