Send SMS from Website

Submitted by springedge on
Class to send text messages from website to user's mobile number. It take mobile number and text message as input $SpringEdge->sendsms('9089XXXXXX', 'It is a text message'); Include Spring Edge sms class and create object of the class. Call the function sendsms with mobile number and text message. the class will call the sms gateway and send sms to user's mobile number. It can be also used for

Inheritance in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Inheritance in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn 1) What is inheritance in JAVA? 2) How Inheritance is useful? 3) What is super class and subclass? 4) Function Overriding 5) How we implement inheritance in JAVA? What is inheritance in JAVA Inheritance is such a mechanism in JAVA by which the methods and data members of one class are inherited form to another class. It must be kept in mind that inheritance is between the two classes which have a lot of features in common. Inheritance is ‘is a’ relationship between two classes.

Hotel Accommodation

Submitted by araronan on
This system has the ability to access the all transactions in hotel accommodation. The user can easily access how many rooms are vacant and how many are occupied. Pls. install first dotnetbar in order to run the program. Open the access data to determine the username and password. Hope you learn from this.

Queue Interface in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Queue Interface in JAVA

In this part of the tutorial set you will learn. 1) What is an interface Queue? 2) What is advantage of using Queue? 3) How to implement Queue in JAVA? What is a interface Queue? Queue is one of the data structure in the programming languages. Data structures are meant to store data in an organized manner. Queue can be of the first in and first out (FIFO) and they can also be of last in and first out type (LIFO). Every queue has different type of ordering properties. Here we will be discussing first in first out queue.

Exception Handling in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Exception Handling in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn: 1) What is exception in JAVA? 2) What is throw block? 3) What is try and catch block? What is exception in JAVA? Exception is some unusual event that may happen in the program which also requires special attention of the programmer. Dealing with the exceptions require a lot of overhead processing. Not every error has to be indicated by an exception. Exception separates the code that deal with the exception from the code which is executed during normal running of the program.

Compilation of My Android Apps and Android Tutorials

Submitted by donbermoy on
These are the list of my Android Application and Android Tutorials that will help you in your capstone/thesis for a quick reference. Android Apps 1. Android SMS Application using Basic4Andriod Link - Password: thecreator 2. View and Display PDF Files in Android Link -