Covid-19 Mobile Tracker App (Coronavirus Tracker 2020)

Submitted by donbermoy on

Since Google Playstore and IOS Appstore prohibited from putting an app with regards to coronavirus updates because of misinformation. Today, I was able to finish my creation with this Corona Tracker Mobile app that will keep us updated with the current cases of Covid-19 around the world and also to our beloved country. The app uses an API of the World Health Organization, so all of the Covid-19 instances around the globe are in real-time, and this will avoid misinformation.

NumPy Accessing Arrays

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Access NumPy Array
  • Accessing Arrays with Negative Index

Access NumPy Array

The elements of NumPy Array can be accessed by indexing, it’s very similar to accessing an element in an array. We already know that the index of an array start with zero.


Access a 1-D array is very simple and straight forward we just need to pass the index in square brackets and print the value.

Python File Reading

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • File Handling
  • File Handling in Python

File Handling

File Handling is an important concept to cover while learning any programming language. We need file handling to create, read, update or delete files. One of the biggest benefits of handling a file is that we can arrange data any way we want without requiring a specific template to follow. But using files for storing data works best for only small datasets. For larger datasets we may need to use a database.

Calculate Sub Total in DataGridView Using Visual Basic .NET

Submitted by BRAHIMCHKOUK on
Application Program using Visual studio 2010 and MS Access to calculate sub total in DataGridView. This application is an example on how to calculate the different subtotal numeric columns (sum, number and average) in a DataGridView linked to the Access database by choosing various columns (each time the column is changed) with a small touch-up of animation Label.

Python Operator Overloading

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Operator Overloading
  • Operator Overloading in Python
  • Overloading Addition Operator
  • Overloading Subtraction Operator
  • Overloading Multiplication Operator

Operator Overloading

Sometimes we want to modify the functionality of the common operators such as ‘+, -, * and /‘ and we can do that through a concept known as Operator Overloading. So Operator Overloading allows us to extend the functionality of that operator.

Operator Overloading in Python

Python Custom Modules

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Modules
  • Modules in Python
  • Creating your own Modules
  • Using your own Modules
  • Finding contents of a Module


We have been using Modules for quite a while now. We noticed that after importing the modules we had access to more functions in our code. So a Module is a package that contains different sets of functions, classes and variables. Whenever be bring the module in our code we get those extra functions by just writing a single line of code at the top.