SMS Software v1.1 with Read/Write Phonebook to your SIM Storage - jSMSPlugIn.dll

Submitted by jaysfall on
This version is free for non commercial evaluation purposes. You can Use this Sourcecode as your reference. An advertising text "Powered by : Jay Celeste [[email protected]]" is added to the beginning of each SMS sent. Also this Trial version allows reading the text of only the first Five SMS from Inbox memory and does not allow reading of SMS sender's phone no. VERSION : Moved To a New Dedicated Server

Submitted by admin on
I would like to announce that has moved to a new server. This time we are now on a dedicated server powered by For the past few days, has faced a downtime due to high volume of traffic. In my hope to give you a great service, I decided to move to a dedicated server. In addition to this, I installed APC Opcode to optimize PHP script so it will

Just got Started Payroll Project

Submitted by bryan_hayag on
Payroll System Project - Sample for my Students, I uploaded this project for evaluation, still incomplete, more to go, and stay tuned with me... the project includes Biometrics Fingerprint recognition for DTR entries and Searching identities (on progress), On-LAN web based-filing of leaves and approval (for On-Line based evaluation later). Project is not connected for DPWH Payroll System for RO1