Decimal to Octal Converter in Java (Console-Based)

Submitted by onyx_ash08 on
Watch out this guys! I made this decimal-octal converter in Java. I used the BlueJ text editor to write, compile and run my program. You can download the BlueJ software from my blog site at or from the official website of BlueJ at Download the source code below and try it in your own. You can modify and add some features. See the

How to Build Shopping Cart w/ Checkout in PHP

Submitted by admin on
I just rewrite the code included in this post to fix minor problem encounter by other PHP programmers who can’t run the shopping cart. The code is taken from this link: As you may have noticed, a lot of programmers are screaming for help on how to fix some bugs on this tutorial. Since I cannot

I want to develop a Online Branch Management System by Visual Studio

Submitted by bikash336 on
Dear all programmer, First I say thank for posting various source Code. I want to develop a Online Branch Management System by Visual Studio 2005 or latest version of Visual Studio. In this Application I want to store data in dedicated SQL Server. User can add Records from any Branch by Login a valid UserID & Password. In this application I want to include the following subject: 1. Student

Simple Image Viewer in

Submitted by engrakash on
Image viewer in VB.NET Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim index As Integer Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If bdialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then TextBox1.Text = bdialog.SelectedPath index = 0 Me.listbox1.Items.Clear() For Each Image As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text

Data File Utility 1.3

Submitted by raffyapurillo on
USES and Instructions: 1. DEDUPS 1.1) Browse an input file. You will see a preview of data on the table. 1.2) Select the correct column delimeter of the file. 1.3) Type the Text Qualifier (if any) [It is character(s) that encloses every value]. 1.4) Select a column on the table as the basis of deduplication (1st Column is the default). 1.5) Click "Analyze", You will see a preview of data on the

Simple Login using Visual Basic 2010 (SQL Server database)

Submitted by EmbuscadoGeoff on
Simple Login System using Visual Basic 2010. The File-type for its database is SQL SERVER. This Project is for beginners specially for those who are developing System and finding their security purposes for their System using in Visual Basic 2010. This is for Education purposes. Mabuhay Filipino Programmers~!