Random Image Display Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
This code will help you on how to create a random image display using php/mysql. The primary function of this code is to display images or files in random order, just reload the page to see the random image in action. Leave a comment if you have a question, it's my pleasure to entertain and give answer to your comment. database name:randomimage

A Database connection with OLEDB and MS Access 2007 Database

Submitted by jeffrey on
This visual basic 6.0 is a language so very use full regarding with business, in this code is a sample of Database from a Company. if you want to know more about our company try to visit www.j2infotech.webs.com and contact our programmers, for efficiency of your business try our business solution programs. www.j2infotech.webs.com for more info. with low price that surely worth it.

Lookup Table for a Windows Forms ComboBox

Submitted by admin on
In a relational database, you need to understand how you link your table in your database. Once you normalize your table, you prevent data redundancy or a duplication of record in your table. After I found so many examples on the internet, regarding the misuse of relational database, I decided to create a simple project to explain how to implement the technique into Windows Forms. Even if you

Photo Gallery Using PHP/MySQL and jQuery

Submitted by argie on
This is a simple gallery using php and jquery. In this code you will learn on how to combine php and jquery to create a simple but powerful gallery. This is unique with other gallery out there because this gallery has a database. The image source of this gallery comes from the database. Download this code and try this on your own to see how php and jquery works. Leave comment if you have question

Backup MySQL Database Using PHP

Submitted by argie on
This code will help you on how to backup your database. I Created this code to help thus programmer that encountered difficulties in creating backup of their database. The features of this code is that it allows you to backup your MySQL database. In this this code also you will learn on how to get all list of file in a folder directory. I hope this code will help you, if you have some question of