Read More Script in PHP

Submitted by admin on
This is a simple script that allows you to create a teaser/excerpt in your home page. The function contains two arguments. To use it, you need to pass a parameter into the function. Parameters: content = required word_limit = optional Function: function excerpts($content, $word_limit = 30) { $words = explode(" ",$content); return implode(" ",array_splice($words,0,$word_limit)); }

Employee’s Registration System

Submitted by coderz on
A very simple employee’s registration system that allows you to search field based on ComboBox. The result is filtered using LIKE operator in a Dataset TableAdapter. Simple to understand native Visual Basic .NET code using OLEDB provider. No complex code required to create this simple database application. All is done using a wizard, except the search function.

Java Is Top Attack Target According to Kaspersky

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading security firm, Kaspersky has just released their Third Quarter of 2012 Security Threats Analysis pinpointing Java as the top attack target. For the past few months there have been enormous backlash on Java language aside from the bad press the language system has received. Some of the unpopular news for Java is that Apple did not only killed off Flash on their OS, they

Reward Plus System

Submitted by Macku on
Program features: Customer Information Point Entry Point Assessment Redemption Price List Reports: Customer Info Point Entry Points Earned Redemption This application uses ODBC connection. You should configure it first. 1.) Go to Administrative Tools and select ODBC 2.) Click System DSN tab and press Add button. 3.) Specify Microsoft Access Driver (*.MDB) and press Finish button. 4.) On Data

Snake Game

Submitted by Oelasor on
This is a short and simple game program based on the mobile Snake Game popularized by the classic Nokia mobile phone models. The program demonstrates the use of Struct and Enum keywords in VB .Net 2010. The game uses the arrow keys on the keyboard. The snake increases its length and speed by 1 square unit (10 pixels x 10 pixels) and by 4 percent of its initial speed respectively for every

Firefox Supports Remote Web Console Debugging for Android

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
One of the advantage of Firefox over Chrome browser is its support of developer tools such as the remote debugger and now the Firefox Web Console. Although Chrome can now debug an Android session remotely via a USB connection. Firefox added a basic remote debugging window last August that uses WiFi network connection as well as USB. On the latest version of Firefox, all you have to do is to start

Basketball Timer Program

Submitted by bryanhayag on
Created for the purpose of Basketball Game Timer and Scorer board Keyboard Controls are placed in the screen for faster response on game Color Modifiable for Main Clock and Team Names Audible sound buzzers for 24 second shot-clock, Time-Out Calls, Substitution, and Interrupts Change the name of Team Names by Double clicking the Team A or Team B Context... If you ever like this program, vote for me

Google Web Toolkit 2.5 Final Released

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Google Development Team have already released the Google Web Toolkit 2.5 Final which features new optimizations with major enhancements. The Google Web Toolkit was released on October 26, 2012 by the official Google Web Toolkit Blog. Some of the major enhancements were Super Dev Mode and the Elemental Library have the status of "experimental." Google was not able to release the final version of